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in this project we had to explore the identity of a subculture tribe within fashion. our identified subculture was the 'no tribe' tribe, so people who don't really fit within a particular social group. They do and say what they want, not conforming to one particular crowd. as part of the project we conducted our own photoshoot for a photo essay along with a zine specifically about our subculture tribe.

Exploring our subculture through a zine was a fun element that i really enjoyed. it allowed me to play around with both digital and physical designs. The name of our zine was 'ebirton' which means 'no tribe' backwards, we felt it was fitting because even the words didn't conform to the expectations of society. The zine was wrapped in risograph paper to add an element of print, giving it that real homemade feel. Plus it felt like a present to open!

how a brand connects with a subculture report

i never knew the true enjoyment of writing reports until i discovered indesign. since starting fcp two years ago, i feel like i've become a pro on this software. I could honestly happily sit there for hours just playing around with the layout. i just need to remind myself of that when it comes to writing my dissertation next year. This report was one of my faves, partly because it was on a brand (lazy oaf) that i love but not only that, i loved how i'd chosen to lay the report out. editorial is a route that i would still consider going down as magazines have always been a passion of mine.

Trend forecasting mood boards

Trend forecasting was always something that i'd thought about but never fully explored, after doing a project on it earlier this year, i feel it's not the most appropriate route for me. I enjoyed the process of predicting trends but i never actually realised how hard it was! sometimes i didn't even no where to begin! as always though i found a way to make the project more creative and a bit more my own through development of my trend mood boards. I was personally very pleased with the overall design of the mood boards and it gave me the perfect excuse to spend hours on pinterest- because who doesn't love that?

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